Create New Account

You are about to create an account for EngageZone enabling you to request data for a specific company clinical study.

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The initial step is to create an account on EngageZone. New account creation only needs to be done once. Only the lead researcher of the analysis being conducted with our clinical data should request an account. The lead researcher will be responsible for the intellectual leadership and the overall management of the research. He/she will be the main contact for the request and acts as guarantor for the accuracy of the information presented in the research proposal. There can only be one lead researcher for each request for data.

After submitting the contact information below, an email with account details will be sent to the lead researcher. EngageZone will be the main means of communication throughout the research proposal and data request process. Please note that a request for data for a new account will not be immediately available. Certain checks and data preparations must be completed before the research proposal and request for data may be granted.

If you are not from a country listed on the account form, please send your requests to us

Contact Information of Lead Researcher

First Name

Last Name
Job Title:
Phone:*   Enter with no spaces or special characters
(e.g., 0112125551212)
Confirm Email:*
Contact Address
Address Line 1:*
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:*
Enter Code:*

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